
Try Dive




Try Dive

Begin your scuba diving journey with SSI

In the SSI try Dive program, you will learn the skills and knowledge you need to try diving up to 12 meters deep with an SSI Professional. It is a great way to explore the underwater world more fully as you try diving, so you can take the next step in your dive adventure.

Your training over view

08:00am Orientation Overview of the day’s activities and objectives.

Introduction to scuba diving basics: Equipment overview and assembly.

Safety procedures. Underwater communication signals. Equalization techniques.

Q&A session.

09:00am you will be on the boat 

     One we already at the dive site your instructor will take you to the shallow water of the bay to practice the basic skill and after you master all of the skill your instructor will take you to exploring the dive site  


Minimum age 10

Cost : 

Inclusive of full equipment

Dive insurance

Discover Scuba 1 try Dive : 2500 Baht

And if you enjoy your activity and want to do 1 more extra dive will be 1000 Baht

**Note:** The schedule may vary depending on factors such as weather conditions, dive site availability, and participant progress. It’s essential to maintain flexibility and adaptability throughout the program to ensure the safety and satisfaction of all participants.


Special pricing will be offered to families and groups of more than 3 people! Contact us for more information.

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